Hole Making
Drills of all types, geometries of all drills plus
reamers and other plunging tools ground
accurately and with care to suite the application.
Endmills and other milling type tools with
features like corner rads, ballnose, chamfers,
tapers, variable helix flutes (to name a few)
can be made new or reconditioned.
Form Tools
A combination of engineering, modern equipment
and a commitment to quality are of utmost
importance. With a strong 3D simulation software
the cutting tool is programmed and 'inspected'
before it even gets to the CNC grinding machine.
There are scores of other tools-
dovetail cutter, spotface cutters, woodruff cutters,
single lipped tools and many more that BERKS
can resharpen or produce to exact parameters
and tolerances.